2 votes

Comment voir l'ancien historique dans zsh

J'utilise zsh avec Prezto, ma question est de savoir pourquoi je ne vois qu'un nombre limité de mon historique :

~ >>> history2651  git checkout -- modules/prompt/functions/prompt_sorin_setup
 2652  git diff runcoms/zshrc
 2653  git diff
 2654  cd ~
 2655  cd Work/TEST
 2656  git status
 2657  rm test.m
 2658  git checkout -- apps/TravelApp/TravelApp/Views/Form/AXFormDateCell.xib
 2659  zsh --version
 2660  om ~/.zshrc&
 2663  ls -la

Voici mes paramètres zshrc, j'ai réglé la taille de l'historique sur un grand nombre.

# Increase history file size
export HISTSIZE=1000000000

# from http://zanshin.net/2013/02/02/zsh-configuration-from-the-ground-up/
# ===== Basics
setopt no_beep # don't beep on error
setopt interactive_comments # Allow comments even in interactive shells (especially for Muness)

# ===== Changing Directories
setopt auto_cd # If you type foo, and it isn't a command, and it is a directory in your cdpath, go there
setopt cdablevarS # if argument to cd is the name of a parameter whose value is a valid directory, it will become the current directory
setopt pushd_ignore_dups # don't push multiple copies of the same directory onto the directory stack

# ===== Expansion and Globbing
setopt extended_glob # treat #, ~, and ^ as part of patterns for filename generation

# ===== History
setopt append_history # Allow multiple terminal sessions to all append to one zsh command history
setopt extended_history # save timestamp of command and duration
setopt inc_append_history # Add comamnds as they are typed, don't wait until shell exit
setopt hist_expire_dups_first # when trimming history, lose oldest duplicates first
setopt hist_ignore_dups # Do not write events to history that are duplicates of previous events
setopt hist_ignore_space # remove command line from history list when first character on the line is a space
setopt hist_find_no_dups # When searching history don't display results already cycled through twice
setopt hist_reduce_blanks # Remove extra blanks from each command line being added to history
setopt hist_verify # don't execute, just expand history
setopt share_history # imports new commands and appends typed commands to history

# ===== Completion
setopt always_to_end # When completing from the middle of a word, move the cursor to the end of the word
setopt auto_menu # show completion menu on successive tab press. needs unsetop menu_complete to work
setopt auto_name_dirs # any parameter that is set to the absolute name of a directory immediately becomes a name for that directory
setopt complete_in_word # Allow completion from within a word/phrase

unsetopt menu_complete # do not autoselect the first completion entry


JdeBP Points 25711
historyest équivalent à    fc -lce qui est à son tour équivalent à    fc -l -16 -1


man zshbuiltins

Donc, si vous voulez voir une gamme plus large, fournissez-la à la commande. Par exemple :

history -1000


rsmets Points 71

Ce n'est pas exactement ce que vous vouliez, je recommande toujours d'alias cette fonction de recherche de l'histoire afin de la parcourir plus facilement.

alias s='search'
search() {
   history -i | grep "$1"

Ce qui donne des résultats similaires à :

 2992  2020-11-13 15:56  terraform init
 3000  2020-11-13 16:03  cd .terraform.d
 3016  2020-11-13 16:24  mkdir terraform-modules


nextloop Points 1

Tout l'historique de zsh

history 0

vous pouvez utiliser comme alias

alias history='history 0'


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