1 votes

Installation de l'éditeur de texte e

J'essaie de faire fonctionner l'éditeur e-text. Je lis http://www.e-texteditor.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=14953#14953 et l'éditeur de texte électronique Compile sur Linux également. Mais sur mon Lucid 10.04, il échoue à l'étape suivante :

./build_externals_linux.sh debug

avec les messages d'erreur suivants :

Building debug binaries
Building 32-bit binaries
Going to place output in /opt/etexteditor/external/out.debug
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 41: pushd: bakefile: No such file or directory
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 42: ./configure: No such file or directory
Cannot compile bakefile
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 46: popd: directory stack empty
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 49: pushd: metakit: No such file or directory
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 50: cd: builds: No such file or directory
Cannot compile MetaKit
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 56: popd: directory stack empty
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 59: pushd: pcre: No such file or directory
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 60: ./configure: No such file or directory
Cannot compile pcre
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 66: popd: directory stack empty
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 69: pushd: tinyxml: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.
cannot compile TinyXML
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 77: popd: directory stack empty
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 80: pushd: libtommath: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.
Cannot compile LTM
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 85: popd: directory stack empty
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 88: pushd: libtomcrypt: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.
Cannot compile LTC
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 93: popd: directory stack empty
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 96: pushd: wxwidgets: No such file or directory
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 97: ./configure: No such file or directory
Cannot compile wxWidgets
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 104: popd: directory stack empty
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 107: pushd: webkit: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 109: ./WebKitTools/Scripts/build-webkit: No such file or directory
Cannot compile WebKit
./build_externals_linux.sh: line 113: popd: directory stack empty

Qu'est-ce que je rate ?


Lorin Hochstein Points 11816

Vous devez installer bakefile, il n'y a pas de paquet dans les dépôts officiels, essayez : http://www.bakefile.org/wiki/Debian


  1. installer bakefile à partir des sources
  2. essayez de compiler à partir de la dernière version de http://github.com/tea/e branche


david6 Points 14408

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