En voici un bon :
EDIT (je vois que personne n'a lu la page d'accueil) :
Fonctionnement facile et automatique
* 1 configuration file, 5 minutes setup.
* Manually invoke backup process or run daily unattended via CRON.
Sauvegarde complète
* Backup files, MySQL databases and Subversion repositories.
* Specify multiple targets to backup at once (/etc, /home, etc…).
* Ability to exclude files from backup.
* Automatically purge old backups.
Méthodes de sauvegarde
* Full backup only or Full + Incremental backup.
* Backup to an attached disk, LAN or Internet.
* Burns backup to CD/DVD with MD5 checksum verification.
* Archives in lots of open formats: tar, gzip, bzip2, lzma, dar, zip.
* Slice archives to 2 GB if using dar archives format.
* Backup over SSH.
* Encrypts archives.
* Offsite remote upload of archives via FTP, SSH, RSYNC or Amazon S3.
* Can run with different configuration files concurrently.
* Easy external hooks.
* Simply uncompressed the open format backup archives with any command line or GUI tool.