Le paquet command-not-found vous donne des indications sur les commandes potentielles et le nom du paquet debian. Il fonctionne en tapant la commande dans le Shell de bash et en regardant sa sortie.
Par exemple, si le nom de la commande est connu :
zer@ivy:~ 10:45 $ zsh5
The program 'zsh5' is currently not installed. To run 'zsh5' please ask
your administrator to install the package 'zsh'
zsh5: command not found
et si la commande n'est pas connue, des suppositions sont appliquées :
zer@ivy:~ 09:46 $ zsh
No command 'zsh' found, did you mean:
Command 'lsh' from package 'lsh-client' (main)
Command 'osh' from package 'omake' (main)
Command 'ysh' from package 'libyaml-shell-perl' (main)
Command 'ssh' from package 'openssh-client' (main)
Command 'vsh' from package 'crystalspace' (main)
Command 'dsh' from package 'dsh' (main)
Command 'ash' from package 'ash' (main)
Command 'msh' from package 'nmh' (main)
Command 'zssh' from package 'zssh' (main)
Command 'qsh' from package 'gridengine-client' (main)
Command 'sh' from package 'dash' (main)
Command 'bsh' from package 'bsh' (main)
zsh: command not found
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