J'essaie de configurer la jointure automatique de la DAA pour Windows 10 comme décrit ici : https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/documentation/articles/active-directory-conditional-access-automatic-device-registration-setup/
Nous avons deux serveurs internes ADFS 3.0 (Server 2012R2). Ils sont configurés en utilisant Azure AD Connect pour la fédération avec Office 365 sur quatre UPNs :
- ad.dom1.com - c'est le nom de la forêt, nous n'avons qu'une seule forêt.
- dom1.com - la plupart des utilisateurs existent sous ce domaine
- dom2.com
- dom3.com
Les serveurs ADFS sont exposés en utilisant un équilibreur de charge au niveau TCP sur https://adfs.ad.dom1.dom avec un certificat signé par une autorité de certification publique. Les serveurs ADFS n'exécutent pas le DRS, car nous avons l'intention de le faire avec Azure AD.
L'authentification fédérée avec Office 365 est réussie pour les utilisateurs créés avec n'importe lequel de ces suffixes UPN, mais seulement après avoir modifié la troisième règle comme décrit dans https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/abizerh/2013/02/05/supportmultipledomain-switch-when-managing-sso-to-office-365/
Toutes les étapes préalables de l'article sur Azure ont été effectuées :
- Définir le point de raccordement au service
- Exécuté Initialiser-ADSyncDomainJoinedComputerSync
- Assurez-vous que les trois premières règles de fédération de l'article existent (elles ont été créées automatiquement par Azure AD Connect).
- a veillé à ce que Méthode d'authentification Règle de réclamation existe et est exécuté Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust
- Création de la politique de groupe
En outre, les domaines :
- enregistrement d'entreprise.dom1.com
- enterpriseregistration.ad.dom1.com
- enregistrement d'entreprise.dom2.com
- enregistrement d'entreprise.dom3.com
Est-ce que tous les CNAMEs pour enterpriseregistration.Windows.net
Cependant, alors que toutes les autres authentifications semblent fonctionner correctement, le processus automatique AADJ échoue sur toutes les machines clientes existantes jointes au domaine Windows 10 Enterprise. Les erreurs suivantes sont présentes dans le Microsoft/Windows/Enregistrement des appareils des utilisateurs journal des événements :
ID de l'événement 305
Automatic registration failed at authentication phase. Unable to acquire access token. Exit code: Unspecified error. Server error: AdalMessage: GetStatus returned failure
AdalError: invalid_request
AdalErrorDesc: AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.
Trace ID: <uuid>
Correlation ID: <uuid>
Timestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z
AdalErrorCode: 0xcaa90006
AdalCorrelationId: <uuid>
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa90006
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa20002
AdalLog: Webrequest returns error code:invalid_request and error description:AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.
Trace ID: <uuid>
Correlation ID: <uuid>
Timestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Token response is not successfull. Status:400 ResponseText:{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.\r\nTrace ID: <uuid>\r\nCorrelation ID: <uuid>\r\nTimestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z","error_codes":[90019],"timestamp":"2016-11-14 12:30:28Z","trace_id":"<uuid>","correlation_id":<uuid>"} ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: WebRequest Status:400 ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Webrequest has valid state ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: Webrequest opening connection ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::UseWindowsIntegratedAuth- received realm info ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::UseWindowsIntegratedAuth w Tenant ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken- returns false ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken- refresh token is not available ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken get refresh token info ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Authority validation is completed ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Authority validation is enabled ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Token is not available in the cache ; HRESULT: 0x0
. Tenant Type: dom1.com
ID de l'événement 304
Automatic registration failed at join phase. Exit code: Unknown HResult Error code: 0xcaa1000e. Server error: empty. Debug Output:\r\n joinMode: Join
drsInstance: azure
registrationType: fed
tenantType: fed
tenantId: <uuid>
configLocation: undefined
errorPhase: auth
adalCorrelationId: <uuid>
adalLog: AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa1000e
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa90006
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa20002
AdalLog: Webrequest returns error code:invalid_request and error description:AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.
Trace ID: <uuid>
Correlation ID: <uuid>
Timestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Token response is not successfull. Status:400 ResponseText:{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.\r\nTrace ID: <uuid>\r\nCorrelation ID: <uuid>\r\nTimestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z","error_codes":[90019],"timestamp":"2016-11-14 12:30:28Z","trace_id":"<uuid>","correlation_id":"<uuid>"} ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: WebRequest Status:400 ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Webrequest has valid state ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: Webrequest opening connection ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::UseWindowsIntegratedAuth- received realm info ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::UseWindowsIntegratedAuth w Tenant ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken- returns false ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken- refresh token is not available ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken get refresh token info ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Authority validation is completed ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Authority validation is enabled ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Token is not available in the cache ; HRESULT: 0x0
adalLog: AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa1000e
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa90006
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa20002
AdalLog: Webrequest returns error code:invalid_request and error description:AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.
Trace ID: <uuid>
Correlation ID: <uuid>
Timestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Token response is not successfull. Status:400 ResponseText:{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.\r\nTrace ID: <uuid>\r\nCorrelation ID: <uuid>\r\nTimestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z","error_codes":[90019],"timestamp":"2016-11-14 12:30:28Z","trace_id":"<uuid>","correlation_id":"<uuid>"} ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: WebRequest Status:400 ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Webrequest has valid state ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: Webrequest opening connection ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::UseWindowsIntegratedAuth- received realm info ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::UseWindowsIntegratedAuth w Tenant ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken- returns false ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken- refresh token is not available ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken get refresh token info ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Authority validation is completed ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Authority validation is enabled ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Token is not available in the cache ; HRESULT: 0x0
adalResponseCode: 0xcaa1000e
Des erreurs similaires apparaissent si j'essaie d'exécuter C:\windows\system32\dsregcmd.exe /debug à partir d'une invite de commande SYSTEM :
dsregcmd::wmain logging initialized.DsrCmdAccountMgr::IsDomainControllerAvailable DsGetDcName success { domain:ad.dom1.com forest:ad.dom1.com domainController:\\ldndc01.ad.dom1.com isDcAvailable:true }
PreJoinChecks Complete.
preCheckResult: Join
isPrivateKeyFound: undefined
isJoined: undefined
isDcAvailable: YES
isSystem: YES
keyProvider: undefined
keyContainer: undefined
dsrInstance: undefined
elapsedSeconds: 1
resultCode: 0x0
Automatic device join pre-check tasks completed.TenantInfo::Discover: tenant type detection, validating https://adfs.ad.dom1.com/adfs/ls/
TenantInfo::Discover: tenant type detection, checking match against https://login.microsoftonline.com
TenantInfo::Discover: tenant type detection, checking match against https://login.windows-ppe.net
TenantInfo::Discover: Join Info TenantType:Federated AutoJoinEnabled:1 TenandID:<uuid> TenantName:dom1.com
DsrCmdSettings::GetSetting: The key was not found, so returning FALSE. Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CDJ
AdalLog: Token is not available in the cache ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Authority validation is enabled ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Authority validation is completed ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken get refresh token info ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken- refresh token is not available ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken- returns false ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::UseWindowsIntegratedAuth w Tenant ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::UseWindowsIntegratedAuth- received realm info ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: Webrequest opening connection ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: Webrequest has valid state ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: WebRequest Status:400 ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Token response is not successfull. Status:400 ResponseText:{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided
credentials.\r\nTrace ID: <uuid>\r\nCorrelation ID: <uuid>\r\nTimestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z","error_codes":[90019],"timestamp":"2016-11-14 12:30:28Z","trace
_id":"<uuid>","correlation_id":"<uuid>"} ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Webrequest returns error code:invalid_request and error description:AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.
Trace ID: <uuid>
Correlation ID: <uuid>
Timestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa20002
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa90006
AdalMessage: GetStatus returned failure
AdalError: invalid_request
AdalErrorDesc: AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.
Trace ID: <uuid>
Correlation ID: <uuid>
Timestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z
AdalErrorCode: 0xcaa90006
AdalCorrelationId: {39AEBF80-8679-4A5A-86D3-409CB1A8D8EF}
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa90006
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa20002
AdalLog: Webrequest returns error code:invalid_request and error description:AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.
Trace ID: <uuid>
Correlation ID: <uuid>
Timestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Token response is not successfull. Status:400 ResponseText:{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided
credentials.\r\nTrace ID: <uuid>\r\nCorrelation ID: <uuid>\r\nTimestamp: 2016-11-14 12:30:28Z","error_codes":[90019],"timestamp":"2016-11-14 12:30:28Z","trace
_id":"<uuid>","correlation_id":"<uuid>"} ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: WebRequest Status:400 ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Webrequest has valid state ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: Webrequest opening connection ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::UseWindowsIntegratedAuth- received realm info ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0x4aa90010
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::UseWindowsIntegratedAuth w Tenant ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken- returns false ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken- refresh token is not available ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: AggregatedTokenRequest::AcquireToken get refresh token info ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Authority validation is completed ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Authority validation is enabled ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: Token is not available in the cache ; HRESULT: 0x0
AdalLog: HRESULT: 0xcaa1000e
wmain: Unable to retrieve access token 0x80004005.
AzureAdJoined : NO
EnterpriseJoined : NO
0 votes
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