Au lieu d'écrire dans les préférences, nous devons utiliser sysadminctl
pour configurer le verrouillage de l'écran maintenant.
sysadminctl -screenLock off -password <my password>
ou si vous préférez avoir une invite de mot de passe
sysadminctl -screenLock off -password -
J'ai testé cela sur macOS Catalina 10.15.7
et Big Sur 11.4
Sur macOS Catalina, nous pouvons seulement régler le verrouillage de l'écran sur off
o immediate
$ sysadminctl
2021-08-23 11:00:29.685 sysadminctl[63828:9180002] Usage: sysadminctl
-deleteUser <user name> [-secure || -keepHome] (interactive || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-newPassword <new password> -oldPassword <old password> [-passwordHint <password hint>]
-resetPasswordFor <local user name> -newPassword <new password> [-passwordHint <password hint>] (interactive] || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-addUser <user name> [-fullName <full name>] [-UID <user ID>] [-shell <path to shell>] [-password <user password>] [-hint <user hint>] [-home <full path to home>] [-admin] [-picture <full path to user image>] (interactive] || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-secureTokenStatus <user name>
-secureTokenOn <user name> -password <password> (interactive || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-secureTokenOff <user name> -password <password> (interactive || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-guestAccount <on || off || status>
-afpGuestAccess <on || off || status>
-smbGuestAccess <on || off || status>
-automaticTime <on || off || status>
-filesystem status
-screenLock <immediate || off> -password <password>
Pass '-' instead of password in commands above to request prompt.
'-adminPassword' used mostly for scripted operation. Use '-' or 'interactive' to get the authentication string interactively. This preferred for security reasons
Mais sur Big Sur, nous pouvons définir un délai et demander l'état de verrouillage de l'écran :
$ sysadminctl
2021-08-23 16:01:00.636 sysadminctl[26772:2610970] Usage: sysadminctl
-deleteUser <user name> [-secure || -keepHome] (interactive || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-newPassword <new password> -oldPassword <old password> [-passwordHint <password hint>]
-resetPasswordFor <local user name> -newPassword <new password> [-passwordHint <password hint>] (interactive] || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-addUser <user name> [-fullName <full name>] [-UID <user ID>] [-GID <group ID>] [-shell <path to shell>] [-password <user password>] [-hint <user hint>] [-home <full path to home>] [-admin] [-roleAccount] [-picture <full path to user image>] (interactive] || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-secureTokenStatus <user name>
-secureTokenOn <user name> -password <password> (interactive || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-secureTokenOff <user name> -password <password> (interactive || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-guestAccount <on || off || status>
-afpGuestAccess <on || off || status>
-smbGuestAccess <on || off || status>
-automaticTime <on || off || status>
-filesystem status
-screenLock <status || immediate || off || seconds> -password <password>
Pass '-' instead of password in commands above to request prompt.
'-adminPassword' used mostly for scripted operation. Use '-' or 'interactive' to get the authentication string interactively. This preferred for security reasons
*Role accounts require name starting with _ and UID in 200-400 range.
Voir pour une analyse détaillée.