L'utilisation du départ différé peut être une solution possible.
Une autre possibilité est d'ajouter une dépendance pour que les services démarrent dans l'ordre que vous souhaitez. Par exemple, vous ne voudriez pas que votre service démarre avant, disons, le service NSI, parce que la connectivité réseau ne peut pas se produire tant que le service NSI n'est pas exécuté. Ajoutez donc une dépendance.
si un service à démarrage automatique dépend d'un service à démarrage à la demande, le service à démarrage à la demande est également démarré automatiquement.
(Vous trouverez plus de détails sur l'ordre de démarrage dans cet article MSDN également).
L'une ou l'autre de ces deux solutions pourrait fonctionner, mais à votre place, je chercherais plutôt à comprendre ce qui est différent sur ce serveur. C'est une bonne idée de toujours bien comprendre ce qui se passe et pourquoi avant de modifier les paramètres du système et de faire de ce serveur un "flocon de neige spécial" par rapport aux autres.
Modifier :
Vous m'avez fait réfléchir à la question suivante : "quel est l'ordre de démarrage des services dans Windows". exacto et je ne pense pas que la question ait jamais reçu une réponse complète, du moins pas publiquement.
Je pense que c'est en partie dû au fait qu'il est très compliqué. L'ordre exact de démarrage des services Windows change constamment. Il existe des "services à démarrage rapide", des "services de phase 1", des "services de phase 2", des groupes de services, des services qui sont lancés parce qu'ils sont dépendants, etc. etc. Il sera légèrement différent sur chaque version et édition de Windows, et variera également selon les différentes configurations et options de déploiement. Ne comptez donc pas sur une documentation officielle autre que les termes les plus génériques et relatifs, tels que "les services à démarrage différé démarrent après les services à démarrage automatique".
Je pense que c'est aussi en partie parce que c'est un peu une situation non déterministe. Le gestionnaire de contrôle des services (services.exe en mode utilisateur) envoie le signal de démarrage à un service, et l'ordre de cette partie est assez déterministe, mais l'heure à laquelle le signal de démarrage est envoyé et l'heure à laquelle le service démarre réellement sont deux choses différentes. En raison de la nature préemptive de Windows, nous ne pouvons pas toujours garantir que le service A démarrera avant le service B, même si le SCM a envoyé le signal de démarrage au service A en premier. (A moins que nous n'utilisions une sorte de mécanisme de synchronisation).
Quoi qu'il en soit, je me suis dit que je pourrais au moins activer la journalisation du SCM pendant le démarrage et voir le SCM démarrer tous les services, chronologiquement.
C'est Windows 10, RS1/1607. Comme je l'ai déjà mentionné, vos résultats peuvent varier légèrement avec n'importe quelle autre version. Les résultats ont été édités pour la longueur et le contenu. Tout d'abord, je pense qu'il sera plus intéressant de montrer l'ordre chronologique dans lequel les services sont entrés dans l'état Running, et pas nécessairement l'ordre dans lequel le SCM a essayé de les démarrer.
07/06/17-13:05:39.7425860 [SCM] service PlugPlay, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:39.8150411 [SCM] service Power, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:39.8629388 [SCM] service DcomLaunch, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000080
07/06/17-13:05:39.8699565 [SCM] service RpcEptMapper, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:39.8745944 [SCM] service RpcSs, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c0
07/06/17-13:05:39.9107503 [SCM] service BrokerInfrastructure, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00001080
07/06/17-13:05:39.9276072 [SCM] service LSM, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:40.0868049 [SCM] service SystemEventsBroker, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000012c1
07/06/17-13:05:40.4599977 [SCM] service nsi, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:40.4641823 [SCM] service lmhosts, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:40.4705790 [SCM] service TermService, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:40.4708935 [SCM] service CoreMessagingRegistrar, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:40.4943177 [SCM] service gpsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000141
07/06/17-13:05:40.4975091 [SCM] service gpsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000541
07/06/17-13:05:40.5067210 [SCM] service TimeBrokerSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000241
07/06/17-13:05:40.5877317 [SCM] service UmRdpService, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000085
07/06/17-13:05:40.6327091 [SCM] service Dnscache, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000059
07/06/17-13:05:40.6501216 [SCM] service CertPropSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000085
07/06/17-13:05:40.6716164 [SCM] service Dhcp, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:40.6785583 [SCM] service Schedule, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000012c5
07/06/17-13:05:40.7442193 [SCM] service LanmanWorkstation, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000043
07/06/17-13:05:40.7560620 [SCM] service EventLog, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000205
07/06/17-13:05:40.8915301 [SCM] service SessionEnv, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000281
07/06/17-13:05:40.9149615 [SCM] service ProfSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:40.9173657 [SCM] service NlaSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:40.9429894 [SCM] service netprofm, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:40.9494092 [SCM] service UserManager, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:41.0502482 [SCM] service NcbService, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000081
07/06/17-13:05:41.2351873 [SCM] service vmickvpexchange, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:41.2897569 [SCM] service vmictimesync, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:41.3259511 [SCM] service vmicshutdown, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:41.3284648 [SCM] service vmicvss, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000103
07/06/17-13:05:41.3444338 [SCM] service Themes, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:41.3548424 [SCM] service vmicrdv, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:41.3823139 [SCM] service WPDBusEnum, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000004c1
07/06/17-13:05:41.3843401 [SCM] service WinHttpAutoProxySvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000041
07/06/17-13:05:41.3856439 [SCM] service vmicheartbeat, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:41.3874138 [SCM] service EventSystem, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:41.5580789 [SCM] service SENS, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000041
07/06/17-13:05:41.6772846 [SCM] service FontCache, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:41.9209576 [SCM] service AudioEndpointBuilder, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:42.0189267 [SCM] service VSS, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:42.0210403 [SCM] service Audiosrv, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:42.0484759 [SCM] service SamSs, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:42.2429764 [SCM] service Wcmsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000012c5
07/06/17-13:05:42.2906325 [SCM] service ShellHWDetection, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:42.5323497 [SCM] service Spooler, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000004c1
07/06/17-13:05:42.5431893 [SCM] service ScDeviceEnum, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000481
07/06/17-13:05:42.5485449 [SCM] service wudfsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:42.5989161 [SCM] service NetSetupSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:42.6021970 [SCM] service WbioSrvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000441
07/06/17-13:05:42.6391087 [SCM] service SCardSvr, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000481
07/06/17-13:05:42.7007534 [SCM] service NgcCtnrSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:42.7017472 [SCM] service BFE, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000041
07/06/17-13:05:42.7098576 [SCM] service Winmgmt, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000007
07/06/17-13:05:42.7222523 [SCM] service Netlogon, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:42.8153049 [SCM] service iphlpsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c9
07/06/17-13:05:42.8854162 [SCM] service CryptSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000085
07/06/17-13:05:42.8857247 [SCM] service DPS, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:43.0717978 [SCM] service LanmanServer, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:44.1651270 [SCM] service PcaSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000085
07/06/17-13:05:44.3247890 [SCM] service TrkWks, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:44.3303880 [SCM] service DiagTrack, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000013c5
07/06/17-13:05:44.3364873 [SCM] service MpsSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:44.3497466 [SCM] service SysMain, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c5
07/06/17-13:05:44.3573408 [SCM] service WpnService, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000401
07/06/17-13:05:44.3581205 [SCM] service WdiServiceHost, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:44.7769374 [SCM] service sppsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:45.1100224 [SCM] service wisvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:45.2168257 [SCM] service fhsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000004c5
07/06/17-13:05:45.2489211 [SCM] service WinDefend, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c5
07/06/17-13:05:45.3731715 [SCM] service wuauserv, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c5
07/06/17-13:05:45.3899756 [SCM] service WinHttpAutoProxySvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000041
07/06/17-13:05:45.3958062 [SCM] service StateRepository, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x0000000d
07/06/17-13:05:45.6152215 [SCM] service tiledatamodelsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000181
07/06/17-13:05:47.3504859 [SCM] service SCardSvr, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000481
07/06/17-13:05:47.5248612 [SCM] service WdNisSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:47.9543134 [SCM] service SCardSvr, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000481
07/06/17-13:05:47.9543975 [SCM] service SCardSvr, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000481
07/06/17-13:05:48.5741736 [SCM] service CDPUserSvc_33f2e, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:50.7171925 [SCM] service W32Time, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x0000007d
07/06/17-13:05:51.0991216 [SCM] service wlidsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000081
07/06/17-13:05:51.2245142 [SCM] service KeyIso, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:51.4173887 [SCM] service WSearch, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000010c5
07/06/17-13:05:52.7271615 [SCM] service Appinfo, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000081
Et ensuite, nous avons une liste chronologique des services Windows auxquels le SCM a envoyé des commandes de démarrage. Remarquez que cette liste est plus courte. Et elle n'est pas toujours dans le même ordre.
07/06/17-13:05:40.4600357 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service gpsvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.4601289 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service lmhosts, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.4601542 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service CoreMessagingRegistrar, user S-1-5-90-0-1
07/06/17-13:05:40.4602090 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service TermService, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.4602341 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service NcbService, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.4602536 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service W32Time, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.4660675 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service TimeBrokerSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.5068238 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service Schedule, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.5435413 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service RdpVideoMiniport, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:40.5877716 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service UmRdpService, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:40.6336400 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service CertPropSvc, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:40.8919486 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service SessionEnv, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:40.9437595 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service netprofm, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.9437849 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service UserManager, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.2444548 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmickvpexchange, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.2898074 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmicvss, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.2898367 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmicshutdown, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.2902957 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmictimesync, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.3260049 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service WPDBusEnum, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.3444823 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmicheartbeat, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.3548887 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service WinHttpAutoProxySvc, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:41.3549103 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmicrdv, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.9211318 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service VSS, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:42.5324545 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service ScDeviceEnum, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:42.5989696 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service NetSetupSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:42.7008186 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service NgcCtnrSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:44.1651981 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service WdiServiceHost, user S-1-5-19
07/06/17-13:05:44.3231928 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service NcaSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:44.7769902 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service sppsvc, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:45.1100675 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service wisvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:45.2169191 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service wuauserv, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:45.2169410 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service fhsvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:45.6471780 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service NcaSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:47.3489415 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service WdNisSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:49.4258072 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service CDPSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:50.9283667 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service WSearch, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:51.0034313 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service wlidsvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:51.1906412 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service KeyIso, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:52.5810658 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service Appinfo, user S-1-5-18
0 votes
Retardez-la alors...
0 votes
@Chopper3 si c'est le cas, il ne peut jamais y avoir de services ayant un démarrage automatique, n'est-ce pas ?
0 votes
Semblable : serverfault.com/questions/84181/
0 votes
Voir la réponse acceptée ici pour plus d'informations : social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/