3 votes

Impossible de déployer le paquet click

Je porte une application qt sur Ubuntu Touch La construction est correcte Le paquet Click est créé Mais lorsque le sdk démarre l'application, j'obtiens ceci :

 chebfmchat.neochapay-0.1.armhf (installed:click,removable=1,app_name=chat)
Sdk-Launcher> Application installed successfully
Sdk-Launcher> AppId:                   chebfmchat.neochapay_chat_0.1
Sdk-Launcher> Architecture:            armhf
Sdk-Launcher> Application confined:    True
Sdk-Launcher> Communication directory: /home/phablet/.local/share/chebfmchat.neochapay/
Sdk-Launcher> Application started: 6713
Debug-helper> Setting up environment
Debug-helper> TmpDir:      /home/phablet/.local/share/chebfmchat.neochapay/
Debug-helper> AppId:       chebfmchat.neochapay_chat_0.1
Debug-helper> Environment: confined
Debug-helper> Executable was not found in the PATH
Sdk-Launcher> Received a failed event
Sdk-Launcher> The Application exited, cleaning up
Sdk-Launcher> Finished


neochapay Points 41

Exec=opt/chat/bin/chat 1 chat - nom de l'application. 2 chat est la cible du fichier pro...

C'est moche mais ça marche


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