204 votes

Comment puis-je faire un script qui ouvre des fenêtres de terminal et exécute des commandes dans celles-ci ?

J'ai trois scripts que je dois exécuter lorsque je démarre ma machine Ubuntu, ils démarrent des services que j'utilise dans mon environnement de développement.

Pour ce faire, j'ouvre manuellement trois terminaux et je tape les commandes.

Existe-t-il un moyen de créer un script qui ouvrira trois terminaux et exécutera une commande dans chacun d'eux ? (Chaque commande devrait être dans une fenêtre de terminal séparée afin que je puisse voir leur sortie).


Chris Muga Points 31

J'ai pu enchaîner plusieurs onglets comme ceci, tout en évitant les avertissements causés par l'utilisation de --command qui sera bientôt obsolète :

        --title="TAB 1" -- bash -c "cd ~; ls; $SHELL"
        --title="TAB 2" -- bash -c "cd ~/Desktop; ls; $SHELL"\


WinEunuuchs2Unix Points 91128

J'ai presque dix ans de retard, mais voici ma réponse en utilisant Python.

Dans le .gif ci-dessous, j'ai lancé le programme à partir d'un terminal existant avec l'enregistreur d'écran en cours d'exécution pour montrer à quoi il ressemblerait à la connexion :


J'ai écrit un programme Python pour cette réponse. Il y a quelques fonctionnalités supplémentaires qui ne sont pas demandées par le PO mais qui me sont utiles :

  • S'exécute au démarrage automatique pour configurer les applications GUI fréquemment utilisées après la connexion.
  • Ouvre plusieurs gnome-terminal onglets.
  • Attribuer un titre aux onglets du terminal.
  • Déplace Windows à la position préférée sur le bureau.
  • Ouvre gedit et les cinq derniers fichiers ouverts dans des onglets séparés.

Le programme Python :

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#       dellstart - Autostart GUI applications on Dell Fileserver




   sudo apt install xdotool


from __future__ import print_function           # Must be first import
import os
import time

BASHRC_TIME = 2                                 # Seconds to load ~/.bashrc
WINDOW_TIME = .5                                # Secpmds fpr window to appear

commands = [ 'gnome-terminal &',                # Launch terminal in background
             'sleep '+str(BASHRC_TIME),         # Bash command wait a sec
             'move x y',                        # Move windows to x and/or y
#             'move 2100 1000',                  # triple monitor setup
             'xdotool type "cd ~"',             # Change to home directory
             'xdotool key Return',              # Enter Key
             'xdotool type "./ssh-activity"',   # Suspend after 15 minutes
             'xdotool key Return',              # Enter Key
             'title SSH\ Activity',             # Window title (escape spaces)
             'xdotool key Control_L+Shift_L+T', # Open new terminal tab
             'sleep '+str(BASHRC_TIME),         # Bash command wait a sec
             'xdotool type "cd ~/askubuntu"',   # Change to working directory
             'xdotool key Return',              # Enter Key
             'title Ask\ Ubuntu',               # Window title (escape spaces)
             'gedit',                           # Last 5 files will open up
             'move x y',                        # Move windows to x and/or y
#             'move 3849 2266',                  # triple monitor setup

""" NOTE: To discover window coordinates, arrange on desktop and type:

        wmctrl -lG

def process_commands(command_list):

    for command in command_list:

        if command.endswith('&'):
            # Launch in background and get window ID opened
            active_pid, active_win = launch_command(command)
            if active_pid == 0:
                print("ERROR launching", command, \
                "Aborting 'dellstart' script")

        elif command.startswith('move'):
            move_window(command, active_win)

        elif command.startswith('title'):

        elif command.startswith('gedit'):


def launch_command(ext_name):
    ''' Launch external command in background and return PID to parent.
        Use for programs requiring more than .2 seconds to run.

    all_pids = get_pids(ext_name)       # Snapshot current PID list
    all_wins = get_wins(all_pids)       # Snapshot of windows open
    new_pids = all_pids
    new_wins = all_wins
    sleep_count = 0                     # Counter to prevent infinite loops

    os.popen(ext_name)                  # Run command in background

    while new_pids == all_pids:         # Loop until new PID is assigned
        new_pids = get_pids(ext_name)   # Snapshot current PID list
        if sleep_count > 0:             # Don't sleep first time through loop
            time.sleep(.005)            # sleep 5 milliseconds
        sleep_count += 1
        if sleep_count == 1000:         # 10 second time-out
            print('launch_ext_command() ERROR: max sleep count reached')
            print('External command name:',ext_name)
            return 0

    pid_list = list(set(new_pids) - set(all_pids))
    if not len(pid_list) == 1:
        print('launch_command() ERROR: A new PID could not be found')
        return 0, 0

    time.sleep(WINDOW_TIME)             # Give time for window to appear
    new_wins = get_wins(all_pids)       # Snapshot of windows open
    win_list = list(set(new_wins) - set(all_wins))
    if not len(win_list) == 1:
        #print('launch_command() ERROR: New Window ID could not be found')
        #suppress error message because we aren't using window ID at all
        return int(pid_list[0]), 0

    # Return PID of program we just launched in background
    return int(pid_list[0]), int(win_list[0])

def run_and_wait(ext_name):
    ''' Launch external command and wait for it to end.
        Use for programs requiring less than .2 seconds to run.

    result = os.popen(ext_name).read().strip()
    #print('run_and_wait() command:', ext_name)
    return result

def get_pids(ext_name):
    ''' Return list of PIDs for program name and arguments
        Whitespace output is compressed to single space
    all_lines = []
    # Just grep up to first space in command line. It was failing on !
    prog_name = ext_name.split(' ',1)[0]
    all_lines = os.popen("ps aux | grep -v grep | grep " + \
                        "'" + prog_name + "'").read().strip().splitlines
    PID = []
    for l in all_lines():
        l = ' '.join(l.split())         # Compress whitespace into single space
        PID.append(int(l.split(' ', 2)[1]))

    return PID

def get_wins(all_pids):
    ''' Return list of all windows open under PID list
        Currently unncessary because we work on active window '''
    windows = []
    for pid in all_pids:
        all_lines = os.popen('xdotool search --pid ' + str(pid)). \
        for l in all_lines():

    return windows

def move_window(line, active_win):
    ''' Move window to x y coorindates on Desktop

        If the letter x or y is passed, that dimension remains unchanged eg:

            xdotool getactivewindow windowmove 100 100    # Moves to 100,100
            xdotool getactivewindow windowmove x 100      # Moves to x,100
            xdotool getactivewindow windowmove 100 y      # Moves to 100,y

    line = ' '.join(line.split())       # Compress whitespace to single space
    x = line.split(' ')[-2]
    y = line.split(' ')[-1]

    # We don't need to pass window ID as last active window defaults
    all_lines = os.popen('xdotool getactivewindow windowmove ' + x + ' ' + y). \
    for l in all_lines():

def terminal_title(new_title):
    ''' Rather awkward calling xdotool which chokes on double quotes and bash
        via python which chokes on backslashes.

        Simple format (if it worked) would be:
            command = r'PS1="${PS1/\\u@\\h: \\w/' + title + '}"'

        The bash function copied from is:
            function termtitle() { PS1="${PS1/\\u@\\h: \\w/$@}"; }

        Reference for xdotool keycodes: 

    title = new_title.split(' ', 1)[1]   # Strip out leading "title" token

    command = 'xdotool type PS1='
    run_and_wait('xdotool key quotedbl')
    command = 'xdotool type $'
    run_and_wait('xdotool key braceleft')
    command = 'xdotool type PS1/'
    run_and_wait('xdotool key backslash')
    run_and_wait('xdotool key backslash')
    command = 'xdotool type u@'
    run_and_wait('xdotool key backslash')
    run_and_wait('xdotool key backslash')
    command = 'xdotool type "h: "'
    run_and_wait('xdotool key backslash')
    run_and_wait('xdotool key backslash')
    command = 'xdotool type "w/"'
    command = 'xdotool type "' + title + '"'
    run_and_wait('xdotool key braceright')
    run_and_wait('xdotool key quotedbl')
    run_and_wait('xdotool key Return')

def gedit():

    last_modified_files = gedit_recent_files()
    command = 'gedit '
    for f in last_modified_files:
        command=command+'" '
    # Open gedit with last five modfied files
    command=command+' &'
    active_pid, active_win = launch_command(command)
    if active_pid == 0:
        print("ERROR launching", command, \
        "Aborting 'dellstart' script")

def gedit_recent_files():
    ''' Get list of gedit 5 most recent files:

grep --no-group-separator -B5 'group>gedit' ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel | sed -n 1~6p | sed 's#  <bookmark href="file:///#/#g' | sed 's/"//g'

/home/rick/python/mmm added=2020-05-02T15:34:55Z modified=2020-11-19T00:43:45Z visited=2020-05-02T15:34:56Z>
/home/rick/python/mserve added=2020-07-26T16:36:09Z modified=2020-11-28T01:57:19Z visited=2020-07-26T16:36:09Z>

    command = "grep --no-group-separator -B5 'group>gedit' " + \
              "~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel | " + \
              "sed -n 1~6p | sed 's#  <bookmark href=" + '"' + \
              "file:///#/#g' | " + "sed 's/" + '"' + "//g'"

    recent_files = []
    times = []
    all_lines = os.popen(command).read().strip().splitlines
    uniquifier = 1                  # gedit can give all open files same time
    for l in all_lines():
        fname = l.split(' added=', 1)[0]
        trailing = l.split(' added=', 1)[1]
        modified = trailing.split(' modified=', 1)[1]
        modified = modified.split('Z', 1)[0]
        # TODO: 2038
        d = time.strptime(modified, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
        epoch = time.mktime(d)
        epoch = int(epoch)

            # gedit has given multiple files the same modification time
            epoch += uniquifier
            uniquifier += 1
            pass                    # Not a duplicate time

    top_files = []
    if N > len(times):
        # Less than 5 most recent files in list
        N = len(times)
        if N == 0:
            # No most recent files in list
            return top_files            # return empty list

    # Store list in tmp to retrieve index
    # Sort list so that largest elements are on the far right

    #print ('5 most recent from lists and indices')
    for i in range(1, N+1):

    return top_files

if __name__ == "__main__":


# end of dellstart

Notez que vous devrez peut-être modifier la variable BASHRC_TIME sur votre système pour rendre le programme plus rapide. J'ai beaucoup de fonctions qui tournent dans mon ~/.bashrc et le vôtre pourrait fonctionner beaucoup plus vite.

J'ai prévu d'écrire ceci depuis de nombreuses années, mais je ne l'ai jamais fait jusqu'à maintenant.


user2688272 Points 511

Utilisez le commande d'écran et -d se détacher d'une session d'écran existante, et se rattacher ici -m forcer une nouvelle session d'écran -S créer une session nommée au lieu d'utiliser le nom par défaut


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