Voilà ce que j'ai obtenu, en prolongeant John Mahowald Le code de l'entreprise :
# Apply all the requested firewall rules, then try to establish a new SSH connection to the host.
# If that SSH connection fails then reset the firewall, so the user is not locked out of the machine!
# Make sure the SSH connection details figured out by target_ssh_info can actually be used to connect before the change.
# If they're not we'd end up resetting the firewall after ANY change.
- name: Try to SSH before updating firewall
become: no
host: "{{ target_ssh_host }}"
port: "{{ target_ssh_port }}"
search_regex: SSH
timeout: 5
msg: "Failed to connect to {{ target_ssh_host }}:{{ target_ssh_port }} before firewall rule change"
connection: local
- name: Set firewall rules
src: "{{ item.src }}"
port: "{{ item.port }}"
proto: "{{ item.proto }}"
rule: "{{ item.rule }}"
comment: "{{ item.comment }}"
register: firewall_rules
loop: "{{ rules }}"
# Enable/reload the firewall as a separate task, after all rules have been added, so that the order of rules doesn't matter, i.e. we're not locked out
# if a deny rule comes before an allow rule (as it should).
- name: Enable and reload firewall
state: enabled
register: firewall_enabled
- name: Try to SSH after updating firewall
become: no
# wait_for is key here: it establishes a new connection, while wait_for_connection would re-use the existing one
host: "{{ target_ssh_host }}"
port: "{{ target_ssh_port }}"
search_regex: SSH
timeout: 5
msg: "Failed to connect to {{ target_ssh_host }}:{{ target_ssh_port }} after firewall rule change, trying to reset ufw"
when: firewall_rules.changed or firewall_enabled.changed
connection: local
ignore_errors: yes
register: ssh_after_ufw_change
# Reset the firewall if the new connection failed above. This works (mostly!), because it uses the existing connection
- name: Reset firewall if unable to SSH
state: reset
- firewall_rules.changed or firewall_enabled.changed
- ssh_after_ufw_change.failed
# Stop the playbook - the host is now open to the world (firewall is off), which the user really needs to fix ASAP.
# It's probably better than being locked out of it, though!
- name: Fail if unable to SSH after firewall change
msg: "Locked out of SSH after firewall rule changes - firewall was reset"
- firewall_rules.changed or firewall_enabled.changed
- ssh_after_ufw_change.failed
- { role: target_ssh_info }
# Set target_ssh_host and target_ssh_port facts to the real hostname and port SSH uses to connect.
# ansible_host and ansible_port can be set at the host level to define what Ansible passes to ssh, but ssh then looks up ansible_host in ~/.ssh/config.
# This role figure out the real hostname it then connects to - useful for establishing a non-SSH connection to the same host.
# ansible_port is similar, but a little different: if set it overrides the value in ~/.ssh/config.
- name: Get hostname from local SSH config
shell: "ssh -G '{{ ansible_host | default(inventory_hostname) }}' | awk '/^hostname / { print $2 }'"
connection: local
become: no
register: ssh_host
changed_when: false
- name: Get port from local SSH config
shell: "ssh -G '{{ ansible_host | default(inventory_hostname) }}' | awk '/^port / { print $2 }'"
connection: local
become: no
register: ssh_port
changed_when: false
when: ansible_port is not defined
# ansible_port overrides whatever is set in .ssh/config
- name: Set target SSH host and port
target_ssh_host: "{{ ssh_host.stdout }}"
target_ssh_port: "{{ ansible_port | default (ssh_port.stdout) }}"
Notez que ssh -G
renvoie le nom d'hôte et le port même s'ils ne sont pas surchargés dans .ssh/config, c'est-à-dire que ssh -G arbitrarystring
renvoie juste "arbitrarystring" comme nom d'hôte et 22 comme port.
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